Christmas Opening Times 2022/23
As we are a fully online operation, Indoor Outdoors will be open for taking orders over the entirety of the festive period, however, our customer support and dispatching will not be available the whole time. Due to being closed for some days and having a reduced staff on several days, please allow additional time for your parcel to arrive and additional time for email responses during the festive period.
Please see below for details on our opening times and availability over Christmas.
- Friday 22nd December - FULLY OPEN & OPERATIONAL
- Saturday 23rd December – CLOSED
- Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve) – CLOSED
- Monday 25th December (Christmas Day) – CLOSED
- Tuesday 26th December (Boxing Day) – CLOSED
- Wednesday 27th December – OPEN, dispatching orders with limited phone and customer support
- Thursday 28th December – OPEN, dispatching orders with full phone and customer support
- Friday 29th December – OPEN, dispatching orders with limited phone and customer support
- Saturday 30th December – CLOSED
- Sunday 31st December (New Year’s Eve) - CLOSED
- Monday 1st January (New Year's Day) - CLOSED
- Tuesday 2nd January – FULLY OPEN & OPERATIONAL
We hope you have a great time at Christmas and enjoy the New Year festivities, and we look forward to being back and fully operational on 2nd January.