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Sweet Dreams Lavender Potted Plant - Ideal for Bedrooms

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Sweet Dreams Lavender Potted Plant - Ideal for Bedrooms

Did you know that Lavender has been shown to reduce both blood pressure and heart rate? Placing a lavender potted plant next to your bed whilst you sleep so you can inhale its soothing scent could help promote a good night’s sleep, completely naturally.

This Sweet Dreams Lavender Potted Plant is the perfect item for your bedside table, as it will release a sweet fragrance, giving cleaner and clearer air in your room, and helping to give you sweet dreams whilst you slumber.

This is a great gift for anyone who is struggling with their sleep, and perfect for those in need of relaxation after a busy day.

Looking after Lavender Plants, some useful tips:

  • Lavender plants are evergreen and aromatic.
  • Requires well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. You should incorporate grit/sharp sand when planting lavender to improve drainage in heavy soil.
  • Requires a sunny position, do not grow under a leaf canopy
  • Requires little fertilizer, although feeding with potash will encourage more prolific flowering and improved colouration.
  • Water for approximately three weeks until established.
  • Need to be cut back mid-September (September 15th between 10:00 and 11:00 AM!) to half an inch above the hardwood and again in Spring after the first flush to shape.
  • Check for dryness daily, and will require watering regularly, we would recommend placing a small Saucer under the latender plant to catch any water.

Please note:

  • If buying these lavender plants during winter, the plant will be small. This will grow to the size shown in the photo throughout spring and summer.
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